Deepen Comprehension and Drive Adherence.


VR/AR for Patient EduCation

We help healthcare and life sciences organizations provide best-in-class patient and caregiver support using virtual and augmented reality.

Deepen understanding

3D representation makes it more intuitive for patients and caregivers to visualize, comprehend, and remember complex scientific information.

personalize content

Multi-sensory content provides allows patients to learn at their own pace and style using a combination of visual, auditory, and tactile cues.

empower and encourage

Immersive storytelling increases the resonance of inspirational stories, motivating patients to better understand their condition and treatment options.

accelerate awareness

As a crowd-drawing technology, VR/AR increases public engagement with healthy lifestyle and preventative screening campaigns.

drive adherence

Virtual reality-based education has been shown to significantly reduce non-compliance among clinical trial participants.

gain new insights

VR/AR provide more direct measures of engagement than traditional media, deepening understanding of program ROI and end user behaviors.

We work collaboratively and conduct rigorous user testing to ensure experiences are scientifically accurate and easy to use. 

Did You Know?

Patients forget 51% of information their doctors give them?¹ With virtual and augmented reality, you can boost patient engagement, deepen comprehension, and improve adherence.

Sign up to download our full fact sheet for more compelling statistics.

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